3 simple tips to keep your email inbox from filling up with spam

3 simple tips to keep your email inbox from filling up with spam
Published in : 08 May 2023

3 simple tips to keep your email inbox from filling up with spam

As email has become a ubiquitous communication tool, the number of spam emails being sent has also increased. Spam emails are not only annoying, but they can also be dangerous as they can contain viruses, phishing scams, and other malware. If you're tired of dealing with a cluttered inbox full of spam, here are three simple tips to help you keep your email inbox clean.

  1. Use filters to automatically sort your emails

Most email clients come with built-in filtering options that can automatically sort your incoming emails based on certain criteria. For example, you can set up a filter that moves all emails from a certain sender to a specific folder or marks them as spam. You can also use filters to automatically delete emails that contain specific words or phrases in the subject line or body of the email.

To set up filters in Gmail, go to Settings, then click on Filters and Blocked Addresses. From there, you can create a new filter by selecting the criteria you want to use and choosing what action you want to take on those emails.

In Microsoft Outlook, go to the Home tab, click on Rules, then click on Create Rule. From there, you can choose the criteria you want to use for the rule, such as sender or subject, and choose what action you want to take on those emails.

By using filters to automatically sort your emails, you can keep your inbox organized and reduce the amount of spam you have to deal with.

  1. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails

One of the main reasons why our inboxes get filled with spam is that we sign up for newsletters and other online services without thinking twice. Over time, these emails can pile up and clutter our inbox, making it difficult to find important emails.

To reduce the amount of spam in your inbox, take some time to go through your subscriptions and unsubscribe from any that you no longer need or want. Most newsletters and promotional emails have an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email, which you can click to remove yourself from their mailing list.

You can also use a service like Unroll.me to quickly unsubscribe from multiple emails at once. Unroll.me scans your inbox for subscription emails and allows you to unsubscribe from them with just one click.

By regularly unsubscribing from unwanted emails, you can keep your inbox clean and organized.

  1. Be cautious when giving out your email address

Another common way that spam emails end up in our inbox is by giving out our email address to third-party websites and services. These websites can then use our email address to send us unwanted emails and even sell our information to other companies.

To reduce the amount of spam you receive, be cautious when giving out your email address online. Avoid giving out your email address to websites and services that you don't trust or that have a history of sending spam.

You can also use a disposable email address when signing up for online services that you don't trust. Disposable email addresses are temporary email addresses that you can use to sign up for online services without having to give out your real email address. This way, if the service starts sending you unwanted emails, you can simply delete the disposable email address and avoid further spam emails.

In conclusion, keeping your email inbox free from spam is a simple process that can be achieved by using filters to automatically sort your emails, unsubscribing from unwanted emails, and being cautious when giving out your email address. By following these tips, you can reduce the amount of spam in your inbox and keep it organized and clutter-free.