Where, who and how to use temp mail?

Where, who and how to use temp mail?
Published in : 08 May 2023

Where, who and how to use temp mail?

In today's digital age, email has become an essential tool for communication. However, with the increase in online activities, it is easy to get overwhelmed with spam and unwanted emails. This is where temporary email addresses come in. A temporary email address is a disposable email address that you can use to receive emails without having to give out your real email address. In this article, we'll explore where, who, and how to use temp mail.

Where to Use Temp Mail

  1. Online sign-ups: When signing up for online services, you may be required to provide an email address. Using a temporary email address can help you avoid receiving unwanted emails from these services.

  2. E-commerce: When shopping online, you may be required to provide an email address for order confirmation and shipping updates. Using a temporary email address can help you keep your personal email address clutter-free.

  3. Newsletters and promotions: When signing up for newsletters and promotional emails, you can use a temporary email address to avoid cluttering your personal email inbox.

  4. Testing: If you need to test an online service or software, you may not want to use your personal email address. Using a temporary email address can help you avoid unwanted messages and keep your personal email address secure.

Who Should Use Temp Mail

  1. Privacy-conscious individuals: If you're concerned about protecting your personal information and privacy, using a temporary email address can help you avoid giving out your real email address.

  2. Online shoppers: If you're an online shopper, using a temporary email address can help you keep your inbox organized and avoid cluttering your personal email inbox with order confirmation and shipping updates.

  3. Business owners: If you own a business, using a temporary email address can help you manage your communications with clients and avoid receiving unwanted spam emails.

  4. Developers and testers: If you're a developer or tester, using a temporary email address can help you test online services and software without risking your personal information.

How to Use Temp Mail

  1. Choose a temporary email provider: There are several temporary email providers available online. Some popular options include TempMail, Guerrilla Mail, and Mailinator.

  2. Create a temporary email address: Once you've chosen a temporary email provider, you can create a temporary email address. Most providers allow you to create an email address with a simple click of a button.

  3. Use the temporary email address: Once you've created your temporary email address, you can use it for online sign-ups, newsletters, promotions, and other online activities.

  4. Dispose of the temporary email address: Once you're done using the temporary email address, you can simply dispose of it. Most temporary email providers automatically delete emails after a certain period of time, or you can manually delete the email address.


In conclusion, using a temporary email address is a simple and effective way to protect your personal information, keep your inbox organized, and avoid unwanted spam emails. Whether you're an online shopper, business owner, or developer, using a temporary email address can help you manage your online communications and keep your personal information secure. With the availability of multiple temporary email providers, creating and disposing of a temporary email address has never been easier. So next time you need to sign up for an online service or communicate with someone without giving out your personal email address, consider using a temporary email address.